No Struggle, No Progress


John 11:25-26 | NKJV Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Oh Beloved be encouraged and be exceedingly GLAD! Be partakers of the Divine Nature. Be a benefactor of the Gospel! Receive the ZOE type of LIFE. Your Health is being Revived. Your Freedom is being Revived. Your marriage, family, children, career, business, finances, pursuits, Love, Joy, and Peace are being Revived! JUST BELIEVE!!! Jesus tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except thru Him. He can and will Revive anything and everything that has died in your Life. Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving and into His Courts with Praise! Glorify and Magnify His Holy Name. HALLELUJAH! Place into His hands those things which you desire to be Revived, Restored, Renewed, Regenerated, and Reactivated! OH Glory! JUST BELIEVE!!! Knowing that you will never “taste” spiritual death! You will merely “transition” from this earthly realm into the Kingdom of Heaven. Staying Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise! Right Here and Right NOW in the land of the living. OH MY!!! Keeping Godly and Lively relationships, friendships, fellowships, hopes, dreams, and the desires of your heart. Trust in God that He will bring ALL these things to pass! And to receive them all that you have to do is… JUST BELIEVE!!!


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