No Struggle, No Progress

Just Wondering

Time seems to be rewinding at an unbelievable pace, a reality that some recognize while many remain unaware of, especially among the Black community and the economically disadvantaged. Despite having the potential for power, these groups often underestimate their own strength, which lies in their faith, works, unity, and voting rights. While slavery officially ended in 1865, it took three more years for the news to reach many Black Americans. Today, slavery persists in different forms such as lack of access to education, high rates of incarceration, teenage pregnancies, and school dropouts. The signs are clear for those who are paying attention - a conservative Supreme Court, Republican-controlled state legislatures, attacks on public education, and escalating gun violence. Young Black men are dying at alarming rates, often at the hands of their peers, while Black leaders remain largely silent. Families are struggling, unsure of where to seek help, creating increasingly dangerous conditions for Black communities as a whole.

Will we collectively realize our power and potential before it's too late? Just wondering.


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