No Struggle, No Progress


Numbers 6:24-26 | NKJV “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.’ ”Oh, Dear Lord that you would Bless us and Keep us. Amen! Keep us from ALL harm, hurt, and danger seen and unseen. Let your Blessings fall down from Heaven and OVERTAKE us in EVERY area of our lives. That you, OH Lord would Heal us, Deliver us, and Set us Free! Your Blessings Lord make us rich and add no sorrow: RECEIVING THE LORD’S BLESSINGS!!! OH Beloved, seek the Lord with ALL of your heart. Find Him when He is near. Call upon Him and Bless Him with Praise, Song, and Adoration. Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. For the Lord is GOOD and His mercy endures forever. HALLELUJAH! God’s eyes roam to and fro throughout all the earth looking to SHOW Himself STRONG to them who’s hearts are loyal to Him! That’s you, that’s me, THAT’S US! He will give us Peace which passes all understanding! And when He is present we then start….RECEIVING THE LORD’S BLESSINGS!!!


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