No Struggle, No Progress

Your Tax Dollars Matter

The Monroe City Council election is on March 23, 2024, with early voting on March 9-16, 2024. Brother Muhammad, a well-known community organizer and leader, is deeply connected in south Monroe. He has been seen standing on the side of the poor and speaking for the voiceless for several years. He has been in intimate conversations with stakeholders, religious leaders, civic leaders, community leaders, and those in the suites and the streets. Muhammad has regularly attended city council meetings and kept a record of how votes are being cast, particularly in District 5.

"We continue to see resources directed downtown and to north Monroe. I am for development and growth however, no development or growth is taking place in our community other than fixing sewer lines, gas lines, water lines, or partially paving a road or parking lot. We are thirsty and need water to be carried to District 5. We have been keeping a report card on District 5, and the grade thus far is a failing mark." said Muhammad.

Verbon vows to return the seat to the people of District 5. Muhammad says, "For the last three years, we have seen or received next to nothing in south Monroe. Our representative in District 5 will not listen to us and continues to cast votes that are not in the best interest of south Monroe. We vote to support downtown projects but pick apart SEDD (Southside Economic Development District) in public view in council meetings. We have thrown and removed citizens of our community from council meetings. We refuse to allow citizens to speak on agenda items. We rush through and refuse to meet with the community and listen to concerning important issues such as redistricting. We say or do nothing about crime. We say or do nothing when we are killed by the police. I will bring a plan and a platform with benchmarks and a timeframe to see progress in District 5."

Who is Verbon?

Muhammad is a lifelong resident of Bryant's Addition, born Verbon R. Hill of the famous Hill's Bar B Que family in Newtown. He received his B.S. degree from Southern University in Baton Rouge and is a Wossman alum. Muhammad has been married for 24 years and has two children. He is the Student Minister of Muhammad Mosque #99, 1st Vice President of the NAACP Monroe/Ouachita branch, a member of the Concerned Citizens of Monroe, a member of SEDD's Safe Neighborhoods Committee, past president of the Wossman Alumni Association, a past member of the YMCA, and a past member of the Monroe City School Board where he served on several committees including budget, policy, curriculum, and transportation and served as president of the Board for a year during his tenure. Verbon is an associate member of Allen Chapel AME church. He is a member of Moses Lodge #19, AF&AM, and a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.-Rayville Alumni Chapter.

How Can You Help:

Muhammad believes that prayers are always invaluable. Those interested can support Muhammad's city council campaign by contributing to the Verbon Muhammad, Sr. Campaign Fund. Most importantly, he believes that spreading the word to at least three people within and beyond District 5 will stir up change, and rally behind Verbon for city council in 2024. #45 for District 5 - "Your Tax Dollars Matter".


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