No Struggle, No Progress




Romans 12:17-19

As we enter into the last weeks of this year, it is important that we do not bring any baggage with us from the previous months and years that will hinder us from accomplishing our goals and receiving the blessings that we are expecting in the years to come. Unforgiveness is a burden that is carried by those of us who refuse to release the deeply seated anger, bitterness and even hatred toward someone that has done us wrong. These strong emotions are usually valid and appear to be justified due to what has been done to us, but they drain us of the energy and focus that is required to move forward and seize the opportunities for the advancement that we have been praying for.

In most cases, the person who did us wrong will not acknowledge what they have done, ask for our forgiveness or even care about us harboring malice in our hearts toward them. While we are frustrated, angry and being resentful, they are living their best lives and not even thinking about us, how we feel or what they have done. So, our refusal to forgive does not hurt them. Forgiveness is done to restore the person that was broken by what they did. It is the medicine that is prescribed by the great physician to heal the unseen wounds and scars deep within our souls. It is the secret weapon and a power that can not be taken from us by the ones that hurt us unless we allow them to by holding on to what they did.

This poem was written to assure us that just as the things that you are about to read are impossible, it is equally impossible for those that have done us wrong to get away with "WHAT THEY DID TO US". As the old folks used to say, "You might get by, but you won't get away. They knew a thing or two about Karma. They put it in words like, "What goes around comes back around and you reap what you sow". You don't have to get your hands dirty by reaching down to their level trying to get even with them. Keep your hands and hearts clean and just stand back and watch while the higher power allows His laws to run its course in the lives of the wicked. God said that He will seek vengeance for us.




ROMANS 12:17-19

Copyright 2004 Written By:

"Mr. Marion Obafemi, "THE PO' FOLKS POET" and inspired By: God

Time will stand still and night will become day

The hands on the clock will go the other way.

Apple seeds will be planted but oranges will grow

The waters of Niagara Falls will cease to flow.

Wrong will become right and right will be wrong

The hummingbird will stop singing his song.

Cows will jump over the moon and midgets will touch the sky

A camel will squeeze his way through a needle’s eye.

Green grass will turn red and white milk will turn black

Time will become something that you can get back.

Fire will be placed on ice and it won’t melt

Left will become right and right will become left.

Men will become pregnant and give birth to their kids

Tom won't have to pay for what Dick and Harry done did.

Water will become dry and the Lord will smile at sin

The lion and the antelope will make up and be friends.

Children will run before they can walk

With the mouth of a man, a dog will talk.

Hair that is grey will turn black without the use of dye

Tears will fall from the nose instead of the eye.

The urine of a skunk will be pleasant and not stank

Men will breathe under water without an oxygen tank.

Babies will be able to lift a thousand pounds

What goes up will never come down.

In will become out and out will become in

Through the eyes of the blind, we will see the wind.

The sun will rise in the west and set in the east

Fish will breathe on land and fire will lose its heat.

The sun will shine at night and the moon will glow in the morning

You will stand outside and not get wet when the rain starts pouring.

God will become a liar and the devil will do a good deed

Before you get away with



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