No Struggle, No Progress

Cloudy School Misconduct

Things are still tight-lipped at the Monroe City Schools Board concerning what, if anything, will come from the revelation that Superintendent. Brent Vidrine is the “person of interest" in an ongoing misconduct investigation. The board met on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 and one of the items on the agenda was for board members to convene in an executive session to receive information concerning the aforementioned investigation. That particular agenda item also would allow board members to have “follow-up discussions” regarding possible employee misconduct. A motion was made by board member Brenda Shelling for the separation of items “D” and “H” to be moved to item “3” which comes under the Consent Items for Separate Consideration section, received a “second” and was passed 5-0 after much discussion between Shelling, Willson, and board attorney Doug Lawrence. Board members Daryl Berry and Jennifer Haneline were absent. After the regular meeting was over, board members met in executive session. When they reconvened, there were no discussions concerning what was said in the executive session, as a motion was made to adjourn. There appears to be some concern in the community regarding the lack of information from the Board, prompting some to wonder if a cover-up is happening. There is understandable concern from those within the community as to why the Superintendent was not suspended while he is under investigation. Not hearing from the board during regularly scheduled meetings, if not to just reassure the community that no special favors may be in play could have calmed some minds. As of press time, the Monroe Dispatch can report that a meeting by the board is scheduled for Friday, October 6 at 12:00 PM, where, following the meeting, information may be shared with the public.

In new business, there is good news for certified and support school employees to receive a one-time stipend distribution plan. Monroe Federation of Teachers President Sandie Lollie, who was instrumental in helping secure the funds, made an appeal to the board for funds to be given to Monroe City employees around the same time that Ouachita Parish school employees are getting theirs. Lollie said the money is there, and taking action could be a morale boost for employees instead of waiting until December. Certified employees will receive $ 2,000, and classified employees will receive $1,000. After discussions among board members, a motion was made, seconded, for employees to receive their checks, now tentatively scheduled for October 24, 2023. Ouachita Parish employees should receive theirs on October 6, 2023.


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