No Struggle, No Progress

Jump On Board

Jump On Board the mobile classroom. Loveys Mobile Academic Classroom rolled out Saturday, September 23, 2023 for a Launch event. Guests were excited to see what the MAC looked like and here about the services being offered to our communities. Loveys Mobile Academic Classroom is a mobile tutoring service designed with the look of a 21st century classroom equipped with desk space, wobble chairs, laptops, whiteboard and Wi-Fi connection. Any student 6-14 yrs. old needing help in any core subject or life skills can participate in our program. Children in attendance, had a fun experience on the bus being engaged in educational play activities. Parents completed surveys, received child fingerprint cards for their personal records. Mrs. Harvetta Reddix, Founder, says her inspiration for the MAC comes from the 35 years spent working as an educator, serving as teacher, counselor, and administrator. Some schools find it difficult to get parents involved. Mrs. Harvetta believe it's time now, for parents to take their rightful place in orchestrating the educational direction of their child's future. Mrs. Reddix mentioned ACT 422, where certain students who shows a reading deficit at end of 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade. Mrs. Reddix says the MAC is extended to parents and students with ultimate flexibility on scheduling. The greatest advantage to using the MAC is, we will bring our services to you. The MAC is versatile enough to serve recreation/community centers, study halls, apartment complexes, summer camps, church ministries, etc. Let's invest in the future of our children Now! To make donations or contact us with questions, visit or email us at [email protected]


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