No Struggle, No Progress

Neighborhood Safety

Last week my mom and I decided to take a workout walk in our neighborhood. I wore a long sleeve sweat suit and hat. On our first trip on our route, we alternated, walking side-by-side and behind one another. We were about 5 minutes away from home when two cars were coming up from the direction behind us. One was going at the speed limit, and another vehicle behind it ignored the double yellow lines, sped up to pass the front car, and almost swiped me as I was in the opposite lane with no oncoming traffic. I was so close to the car only a few split seconds kept me from getting hit and injured by it.

I instantly thought about all the innocent lives that have been altered because of the simple mistakes of others.

I wish I could walk in my neighborhood without worrying about cars hitting me. I wish there were sidewalks as an added level of ease. I am reluctant to run around my neighborhood because I can't justify the risk. I am hopeful that with some intention, we can help ourselves and help others make our communities safe in many ways.

I think about all our community members who rely solely on walking and public transportation. I can imagine how stressful it is to constantly worry about if someone may hit you.

My hope is that drivers are more thoughtful about how they are driving, especially in residential neighborhoods. There are rules, like speed limits, for a reason. Things can happen in an instant, so it is vital that we exercise caution, especially when operating a motor vehicle.

There is a way to make our communities better. We just have to remember to motivate and encourage one another.


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