No Struggle, No Progress


Sisterhood is more than something that you get with a group of girls or a specific person but a relationship to last you for the rest of your life. I've been impacted and influenced by amazing girls and women in my life, but I've never felt more led to lead one of the most important people in my life, my own little sister. My sister is 9 years old with every bit of 16 and by far the most caring person you will ever meet. She is filled with so much energy and light. She had a stump recently in life and it showed me that I should just be a role model for her and when I carry myself as a person, I need to always think of her looking up to me. At first, it would aggravate me and make me kind of angry that this little girl was always following me and doing everything that I did but I've come to realize that she does it because she loves me and that's a sisterhood. This can apply for anyone in your life, male or female because when you mess up, they're always going to be there to pick you up and tell you it's okay and vice versa. My sisterhood is filled with amazing people who I wouldn't trade for the world, and I hope that you all find your tribe one day or create your own. That's the beauty of this world that we live in and we should take advantage of it and boast in it. Kristen, if you're reading this, your big sister loves you more than anything in this world! If you have any interesting topic you would like for me to write about, please email me at [email protected]


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