No Struggle, No Progress

People Pleasers

Hello everyone! This week, I will be discussing being a People pleaser. Many people are people pleasers, I'm even a people pleaser. Being a people pleaser is difficult because people take advantage of people pleasers because they know they can't say no, and you may feel guilty for setting boundaries, etc. So, here are some tips to help with being a people pleaser. 1. Say no, even though it may be challenging to say no, if it's something you don't want to do you're not obligated to say yes, so if you don't want to do it say no. 2. Set boundaries, setting boundaries with people, help you feel more comfortable around that person, and it makes you feel appreciated if they respect your boundaries. 3. Don't care about people's opinion of you, people will always have something to say about someone, and their opinion about you doesn't matter, what matters is how you perceive yourself. Well, that's all I have to say for now, but if you have any topic requests, email me at [email protected] until next time.


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