No Struggle, No Progress

"Do you" Danger

We live in a society, full of people who are encouraging others with very careless and costly advice. One thing that I hear often, that just vexes my spirit, is “Do you”. What an awfully irresponsible phrase to utter, especially to a generation that's still trying to figure out who they are. The danger in that, is that many are doing them, and it’s leading to their demise. “Do you” is leading to theft, murder, suicide, diseases, inattentive, incautious, unwary, indiscreet, reckless, negligent and inconsiderate and destructive behavior. It’s awful! The thing to do, is not us; it’s God’s will. Telling people to do whatever makes them happy is a very thoughtless suggestion, being that what makes many happy is destroying the morale of this generation, because what makes them happy, has led to many regrets and loss of life. Let’s stop being so quick to speak nonsense into the ears of the innocent and ignorant. May we instead let our speech be seasoned with words that edify, educate and empower. Doing us, is what has the world in the position it is in now. It’s time to “do God”- His will that is!


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