No Struggle, No Progress


Iconoclast means breaker of images. Many paintings were defaced that represented historical figures (kings, queens, and famous religious figures) in 1453 A.D. Paintings of Blacks such as Moses, Sparticus, Saint Maurice, Saint Nicolas, Septimus Severus (a Black Emperor Of Rome), Pope Victor, Pope Melchiades, and Pope Gelasius (Black Popes), even Hannibal has been represented as White. A paint brush was dipped into white paint, then dark skin was painted over or white washed. Iconoclasts must have run out of paint or gotten tired, because some paintings have a White face (for example), one White arm and one half Black arm. Sometimes the dark paint bled through the white paint, so the image looks tan. Hannibal Hamlin was Abraham Lincoln’s first Vice President and a dark skinned Black man from the state of Maine. I down loaded a picture of Hamlin that had been posted by a historical organization in Hanover, Maine. The problem is that the picture is of a White man and looks nothing like the way Hamlin actually looked. Southern democrats verbally attacked Hamlin for being Black from the moment that they first saw him. Hamlin fought back by saying, “I got my color from nature. They got their’s from the liquor bottle. Which is the more noble?” According to a removed YouTube site called: Blacks We Think Were White, early in America’s history,

Black people with ancestry from Europe were classified as White. Paintings of them were caucasianized. Alexander Hamilton was light skinned but his hair was nappy (even when cut short), his nose broad and lips thick enough. According to J.A. Rogers: The Five Negro Presidents U.S.A., Hamilton,s picture on the ten dollar bill has been caucasianized. Let me make it clear that the original people in Europe were Africans according to a 2019 issue of the

Smithsonian Magazine on the Neanderthals. An online site describes the migration of the Hoi and San African tribes from southeast to northwest Africa. They probably used a then existent land bridge from Morocco to Spain. These Africans went on to inhabit every country in Europe. According to: 100 Amazing Facts About The Negro by J.A. Rogers the Anglos and Saxons were two groups of Black folks. The Etruscans were Black people who lived in Italy in a city one thousand years before Caucasians migrated from their home(the Caucasus region) to Italy. The new Italians took the Etruscan numeral system which featured X, V, C, I, L, M etc. The new Italians renamed these numbers Roman numerals. Africans lived in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Siberia. The fact that there were Black Vikings (google it), proves that Black people lived in the Scandinavian countries. Napoleon Bonaparte said: “history is a lie agreed upon”, I would add, by those who rule. When the golden spike was hammered home to connect the transcontinental railroad, connecting the Central Pacific Railroad with the Union Pacific Railroad, on May 10,1869, at Promontory Point, Utah, a picture was taken. Only the White railroad workers were allowed to be in the photograph. Black and Chinese railroad workers were told to stay away. Because of racism people of color have been left out of recorded history. Critical race theory attempts to add pieces of the history puzzle that have been censored, removed and hidden. The truth of history doesn’t make White children feel bad. It might cause them to feel sympathy for Blacks and other minorities, then join a Black lives matter march. This will make some of their parents feel bad, because they will not be able to brain wash their children with lies, that slavery was a happy interracial tea party, or that slavery wasn’t the cause of the Civil War and that the confederacy was a righteous and just cause. We must fight to keep true history in schools and libraries. Today Charles III is the king of England and the first White King Charles of England! Charles I (1600-1649) and Charles II (1630-1685) were father and son Black men. King Charles I was removed from office (1649 A.D.), after his Royal army was defeated by a citizen’s militia headed by old ironsides, Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell had King Charles I executed (beheaded). King Charles I wore two shirts because his execution day was cold, he didn’t want to shiver from the cold and appear to be afraid. Perhaps the British people didn’t have much love for their king, because he had a studded and dark skin. Most pictures depict Charles I as a White man. Even today in England there are pubs (bars) called Charley Boy’s. I saw on television, a Charley Boy’s pub, with a wooden sign in the shape of a man’s head, with curly hair. The sign was covered by black paint. Clearly it is a racial insult to call a Black man “boy.” The British gave us the n word, it comes from the British word niggardly. Oliver Cromwell ended the British monarchy, won the British Civil War and established a protectorate that governed Britain, Ireland and Scotland that last for five years. Cromwell refused to be called king, so he was called Lord Protector of the protectorate. One day, Oliver Cromwell sat in Parliament, heard something that disturbed him, ran members of Parliament out of the building and locked it’s doors. It remained closed for years. When Cromwell got word that Jamaica had been invaded and was ready for Britain to use to enter the slave trade, he declared a holiday for the London Stock Exchange. It is my theory that King Charles I was opposed to slavery, so he had to be beheaded. Could it be that the Cavaliers re-established the British Monarchy, because Charles II offered no opposition to slavery? Portugal was the first European country to engage in the transatlantic slave trade years before 1492 A.D. American Indians were captured in the Americas and carried to Europe to serve as slaves. A Spanish Jew, Christobol Calon joined his brother, a map maker in Portugal and soon joined the Portuguese slave trade. Later he returned to Spain with an American Indian that he decided to sell in Spain. Colon was arrested, convicted and served one year in prison for violation of the Moorish law, which ruled Spain and forbid the sale of slaves. The Moors (Blacks) ruled Spain from 711-1492 A.D. or 781 years! Christobol Colon, upon release from prison, changed his name to Christopher Columbus. Columbus, in 1492, brought one thousand Arawak Indians on the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria to Spain to be sold as slaves. Queen Isabella asked are the American Indians cannibals? The answer was yes. The Moorish law was ended, and Spain became the second European country to join the slave trade. According to Dr. Edward Robinson Jr., a noted Black historian, the slave trade went from American Indians as slaves, to West Africans as slaves in 1591 A.D. according to the HBO show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Britain joined the slave trade in 1655 A.D. with the invasion of Jamaica. The Royal African Company was established through royal charter by King Charles II ! The Royal African Company sent more Africans to the Americas than any other institution. It enriched the British Stewart Kings. Many slaves were branded with the initials D Y for Duke Of York. Now by the grace of God we know the truth, may it set us all free.

I am P.H. Robinson Jr., a freelance journalist and historian


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