No Struggle, No Progress

Knife Chase

Disclaimer: All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. There is a saying that goes, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" which may be justifiable to some, but when bodily harm is possible, a line has to be drawn. That doesn't happen in all cases. On Sunday, September 4, 2022 a woman was allegedly armed with a knife and chased an unnamed victim with a knife and a broom. According to Monroe Police, officers were called to the Parkview Apartments to answer a disturbance at the complex. When police arrived at the complex, they were told that 39-year-old Katherine Ann George was chasing the victim for unclear reasons. Reports further detailed that George fled from officers once she realized they had arrived on the scene. George then allegedly fled to a neighboring apartment, with officers proceeding their chase. There were people in the apartment that George fled into, where officers apprehended her. Monroe Police officers said that George was not given permission to enter their apartment. Reports revealed she appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. Shortly after being found, George was placed in handcuffs and evaluated by medical staff due to her having an alleged seizure. During the evaluation, the medical staff "noticed" that she allegedly faked the seizure, according to police. Officers placed George under arrest to be transported to (OCC) the Ouachita Correctional Center. According to MPD, George did not go quietly to OCC, as she allegedly told officers that she had a gun and that she was going "to shoot" them. George was charged with Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Assault upon a Police Officer, and Unauthorized Entry of an Inhabited Dwelling. George's bond was set at $22,000.


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