No Struggle, No Progress

8th St. & Texas Dangerous Intersection

One of Monroe, LA' s most dangerous intersections is 8th Street and Texas Ave. Another accident occurred at that intersection between two vehicles on Thursday, June 30, 2022. A few weeks ago, a car turned over at the same intersection. There have been more accidents at this intersection while officials blame each other, the city, and the state. There should be a light at this intersection to help prevent the numerous wrecks. Residents who live around this intersection cringe every time they hear any loud noise. While petitioning city and state officials has gone on death ears, the community hopes it won't take a fatal accident before a traffic light is installed. Since this is a minority neighborhood, it seems as if it will take an act of Congress to get a traffic light. Many lesser expensive alternatives like larger stop signs and strips on the road have been installed but have yet to be proven effective. Former city councilman Kenneth Wilson fought hard to get a traffic signal and four-way stop signs to no avail. Traffic accidents continue but don't have to. Drivers beware when traveling on Texas Ave. and 8th Street in Monroe, LA. It's a dangerous intersection where numerous accidents happen!


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