No Struggle, No Progress


2 Corinthians 6:2 | NKJV For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Rejoice Beloved for your time of Favor has come. For NOW God has heard your Prayers. He will perfect the things that concern you. Invite Him to step out of eternity and to step into your “right now” circumstances and situations. NOW FAITH IS!!! He may not show up when you want Him, BUT He’s always on time! And when He comes, He brings Healing, Deliverance, and He Sets us Free! HALLELUJAH! He helps us at the time of our infirmities. He “breaks the chains” that have us bound. He strengthens us when we are weak, encourages us when we faint, lifts us up when we fall, and inspires us when we are “down”. So, no matter what you are facing today. Remember to walk by Faith and not by sight. Now to Him Who can keep us from falling. Who presents us spotless before His presence with exceeding Joy. To the only wise God and Savior. Be Glory and Honor, Dominion and Power Forever and Ever. Amen. NOW FAITH IS!!!


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