No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near

And A highway shall be there and away. (Isa .35:8) A Highway Requires A Change! Before interstate highways, most roads were two lanes, many lives were lost on those two-lane highways. The death toll decreased as interstate highways increased. A highway is a main road of travel. Isaiah 35:8, speaks of a highway of holiness. The unclean can't pass there. It's for those wayfaring men. Fools shall not err there, nor any ravenous beast shall be thereon, but the redeemed shall walk there. Death reigned from Adam to Moses on what could be a two-lane highway. Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law or the prophet but to fulfill. Jesus’s blood sacrifice provided mankind a way to get on the highway to God in heaven. Only God knows how many souls were lost on the two-lane highway before Jesus came. Jesus brought a new and living way back to God. Flesh can't get on this highway. The only way back is by the spirit of God. (John3:7) There are no liars, thieves, whoremongers, or backbiters on this highway. STOP ALL THESE! Well Bless God Superintendent .Henry Davison


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