No Struggle, No Progress

Tending a Garden

My grandfather ( the late Frank DeTiege Sr.) loved gardening and grew lots of fruits and vegetables. In observing him doing his hobby, I realized gardening was a daily chore. He would put on his gardening uniform - old lightweight blue jean pants and a long sleeve plaid button-down shirt - and move from row to row tending to his growing goodies. I never asked him why he went outside so much; I always assumed he must have really enjoyed it. Now, as an adult, I can understand the appeal of nurturing something and watching it grow. I have not committed to an in-ground garden, but I am a plant mama! Growing things takes time and attention. I did not understand why now, but I surely understand why my grandfather spent so much time outside. If my grandfather simply planted the seeds and only went out to water and harvest them, he would not have yielded much fruit. He had to dedicate certain times of the day to simply going outside, checking on how things were, and see what each thing needed. Some things required more water, and others needed more fertilizer. Whatever the need, he committed himself to nurturing each planted food with love and care. He used a guide to help him. Although he had learned a lot from trial and error, he often checked the Farmer's Almanac to help him produce a successful harvest. The most important and overlooked step in gardening is pruning. Pruning is essential because it separates the dead parts of a plant from the good parts. Otherwise, if the dead leaves and weeds remain attached to the plant that is still growing, it could ruin more than just one small part. In that regard, pruning is essential because it prevents the bad part from affecting the good part. As we continue throughout this year, let us remember important things we need to grow: Give time and attention to those things we want to nurture. Use an aide when necessary. Cut the bad things that prevent us from remaining focused on our goals.


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