No Struggle, No Progress

Christian Stewardship

Stewardship is the management of that which belongs to another. We belong to God by redemption. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. God gave himself for us.

We are not our own. We have been bought with the greatest price that could have been paid for us. We belong to God. All we have or ever expect to be are His. Our lives and our times are not our own to control and waste. When we withhold things from the service of God we are robbing God of that which belongs to Him. We are stewards over things that belong to God.

Christian stewardship means that we belong to God. We are God’s every moment of our lives. We use our brains to think for Him, our hearts to love like Him, our eyes to see the things of His kingdom, our feet for movement, our mouth to proclaim His gospel and our tongues and voices to give Him praise.

Giving is the turning of one’s means for another or others to be used for purposes outside our own financial interests. Acts 11:27-30 gives an account of funds being raised to help the poor in the country of Judea when there was a great famine.

Acts 20:35 states that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Giving is a privilege. Everyone is commanded to give as much as possible.

There is more teaching in the Bible on the subject of giving then any other thing.

We need to answer the question: Am I my brother’s keeper? If you are his keeper, you will come to his financial rescue. Our concerns should be based on need only. The Lord’s help to those in need is based on need only. There are no racial or other limitations.

We should let our life be like a mountain stream. It will then always be fresh and clean and will be a real blessing to mankind and be pleasing to God. Only Christian stewardship can produce such a life.


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