No Struggle, No Progress


2 Corinthians 5:21 | NKJV "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Oh Glory! HALLELUJAH! For JESUS SAVES!!! He took on my sins, your sins, and our sins! JESUS SAVES!!! He paid the price for our unrighteousness so that we can be in right standing before God. We then become the righteousness of God thru Jesus Christ. AMEN! Forgiven and free from “paying” the wages of sin. HALLELUJAH! Our debt has been PAID IN FULL by the Blood of Jesus. So if you are in CHRIST you don’t have to pay the “Price”. “Aren’t You Glad That You’re Saved! If you are, shout “GLORY”!!! And tell somebody else that ...JESUS SAVES!!!


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